♥ to everyone! :D

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[28] Artist: scrunge | Title: Guildies :D | Time: 34m 37s
Pic #27

scrunge @ Tuesday, October 23rd 2007, 12:35 AM
MJ, Beeky, Esper :D!

MJ @ Tuesday, October 28th 2008, 2:00 AM
:D >:) >:D :o :U :> :< >:3 :3

[27] Artist: MJ | Title: No Title | Time: 1h 36m
Pic #26

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
MJ @ Wednesday, October 10th 2007, 12:52 AM
Safety save #3 :D

[26] Artist: scrunge | Title: bardie boy for MJ :B | Time: 45m 35s
Pic #25

ShiPainter Pro
scrunge @ Thursday, July 26th 2007, 3:32 AM
Naoki's pet bardie, Gyir >D!! whee! Happy birthday MJ!! <3

MJ @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 5:28 PM

[25] Artist: LightBlade005 | Title: gunslinger | Time: 54m 32s
Pic #24

LightBlade005 @ Wednesday, April 11th 2007, 9:18 PM
its not very great, i'm new here. so... yeah i killed a poring..

thats about it...

[24] Artist: moonie | Title: Zealotus~<3 | Time: 2h 14m
Pic #23

moonie @ Tuesday, March 13th 2007, 8:41 PM
here goes an S.S pic of zealotus =P
adulted for sexyness

[23] Artist: Kitty | Title: THIS SUCKS | Time: 20m 43s
Pic #22

Kitty @ Wednesday, February 28th 2007, 12:17 AM
I suck at drawing people but yea got bored and did my dancer? o/

[22] Artist: Yusuke | Title: | Time: 1h 11m
Pic #21

[View Animation]
Yusuke @ Monday, February 12th 2007, 6:26 PM

(Found in the Recovery Bin. Edited by MJ)

(Edited on September 22, 2007, 6:38 pm)

[21] Artist: Kitty | Title: kitty? | Time: 14m 39s
Pic #20

Kitty @ Monday, February 12th 2007, 1:20 AM
not RO related but yea it kinda looks like drooping? MAYBE ITS ITS SIBLING?! :D

[20] Artist: Kitty | Title: Bord, its a drooping kitty lawl | Time: 2h 5m
Pic #19

Kitty @ Monday, February 12th 2007, 12:11 AM
ummm yea I got bored and had fun doing this :> hope you like it o/

MJ @ Monday, February 12th 2007, 12:28 AM
Drooping kittyyyyyyyy

RO needs a Drooping Amistr. >:D

[19] Artist: Kitty | Title: MJ <3! | Time: 19m 40s
Pic #18

Kitty @ Sunday, February 11th 2007, 2:37 AM
umm yea I suck at computer art o/ but yea its for MJ :> <3~

MJ @ Sunday, February 11th 2007, 2:44 AM
Win o/

[18] Artist: MJ | Title: Naoki | Time: 1h 43m
Pic #17

ShiPainter Pro
MJ @ Saturday, December 2nd 2006, 1:31 AM
Naoki wearing one of the 4th Anniversary hats, Dress Hat!
(They're only on jRO now)

(Edited on December 4, 2006, 3:45 am)

[17] Artist: Fayrein | Title: Erm... | Time: 17m 54s
Pic #16

Fayrein @ Friday, June 16th 2006, 6:20 PM
I don't even know. ..' Just some random... sketchy thing.

With a blue herb plant thinggy.

That vani always feels the need to keel. D:

Why, vani, why?!

(He STILL hates me. :< )

[16] Artist: MJ | Title: Amistr | Time: 16m
Pic #15

ShiPainter Pro
MJ @ Thursday, April 6th 2006, 10:42 PM
My darling Amistr. &hearts;

[15] Artist: DevilChild~ | Title: Sugar | Time: 15m
Pic #14

[View Animation]
DevilChild~ @ Thursday, April 6th 2006, 9:40 PM
This is my baby priest and a poring, but I'm not done yet. >_<

[14] Artist: MJ | Title: :3 | Time: 17m
Pic #13

MJ @ Wednesday, April 5th 2006, 11:10 PM
Drawn on the other board. xD

(Uploaded by MJ)

DevilChild~ @ Thursday, April 6th 2006, 9:21 PM
cool :D

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“Wax Poteto” 5.9.1 by Waccoon / Based on OekakiPoteto v5.x by RanmaGuy and Marcello
PaintBBS and Shi-Painter by Shi-chan / NoteBBS by WonderCatStudio
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